Bioeconomy Lab Forum [05.11.21]
Date: Friday, 12.11.2021, 12-1 pm via Zoom
Host: CBO Prof. Dr. Iris Lewandowski
Presentations: Project reGIOcycle by Dr. Andrea Thorenz (University of Augsburg) and international PhD Program in Agricultural Economics, Bioeconomy and Sustainable Food Systems (IPPAE) by Prof. Dr. Regina Birner (Department Social and Institutional Change in Agricultural Development)
Audience: All members of the university
Description: The Bioeconomy Lab Forum at the University of Hohenheim creates a regular exchange format for scientists of all career levels and other interested university members. It is an open-topic, informal exchange where information on current bioeconomy topics at the University of Hohenheim and beyond is communicated.
- Report by CBO Prof. Dr. Iris Lewandowski
- Presentations by Prof. Dr. Regina Birner (international PhD project IPPAE) and Dr. Andrea Thorenz (project reGIOcycle)
- Open Forum on the Bioeconomy at the University of Hohenheim